Small collection of formulas for refrigeration engineering
The collection of formulas came about as a result of many years of work at the North German Refrigeration Technical School in Springe. From mathematics to mechanics, strength of materials and thermodynamics to electrical engineering, all formulas - grouped by topic - are included that play a role in training and practice.
The new series of refrigeration · air conditioning · ventilation | KOMPAKT enables practitioners, lateral and career changers as well as young professionals to quickly familiarize themselves with individual topics of refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation technology. It is created in close cooperation between VDE VERLAG and cci Dialog GmbH.
After studying electrical engineering at the University of Hanover, Dirk Willenbockel first worked as a project engineer at Hebeke Kältetechnik and later in the sales department of a specialist wholesaler in Hamburg. He then switched to the North German Refrigeration Technical School, where he taught prospective refrigeration system builders and mechatronics technicians in refrigeration technology.
Interested parties:
Beginners, refreshers and professionals in refrigeration technology, in particular trainees, technicians and master students, students of refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation technology as well as from other trades.
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