VDE The refrigeration fitter

Seidel, Rolf; Noack, Hugo The refrigeration engineer Handbook for practice

The standard work on refrigeration system technology, which has been established for years, should be available in every refrigeration specialist company. The now 13th edition has been thoroughly revised and brought up to the current state of the art. Conceived as a practice-oriented standard work, this book helps the refrigeration fitter in his daily work life. In it, refrigeration fitters and refrigeration system builders will find all the important procedures for the assembly, maintenance, repair and maintenance of refrigeration systems and will answer complex questions that everyday working life asks of them. In addition to basic physical knowledge tailored to everyday practice, the components of refrigeration systems are also dealt with. It is shown in detail how measurements and service work are to be carried out. Concisely worded mnemonics highlight the essentials and provide a quick overview.

Rolf Seidel is a trained marine engineer, but worked in the refrigeration industry for almost 40 years. For many years he worked as a commissioning engineer for industrial refrigeration systems at Linde AG before he was put in charge of this department. He later became head of the assembly/service/further training department in the refrigeration and equipment technology plant group at Linde AG. He performed this task until his retirement. After this active professional phase, he still works in various committees for German and European standards.

Hugo Noack (†) was head of the assembly department at Linde for more than 25 years. He was involved in various committees in the creation of standards and guidelines as well as in vocational training. The 13th edition was edited by Dipl.-Ing. Florian Zähringer, principal at the Saxon Refrigeration College, revised.


Group of interested parties:

Refrigeration fitters and refrigeration system builders as well as trainees in the refrigeration system builder trade and students at (technical) universities.



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