BAC Baltimore Balticare GmbH

BAC Balticare VERTEX condenser

Power range 894-3817 kW

Main Benefits

  • reliability
  • Easy access and high security
  • Low maintenance and hassle free inspection

Reliable operation guaranteed

  • Enjoy uninterrupted operation with multiple fans, motors, and redundant pumps.
  • Multiple, individually driven fans guarantee redundancy .
  • The fan, motor and drive system (V-belts) are located in the dry air , which prevents moisture and condensation. The absence of external moving parts helps the device withstand the harshest weather conditions.
  • Various corrosion-resistant materials, for example the unique Baltibond Hybrid coating anti-corrosion system for guaranteed long service life.

Easy access and high security

  • Easy cleaning and improved hygiene thanks to a compact sloping water tank .
  • The air inlet covers block sunlight to prevent biological growth inside the unit and keep water out without reducing the condenser capacity.
  • Removable suction strainer with anti-turbulence hood.
  • Easily accessible fresh water, drain and overflow for inspection and cleaning .
  • Eurovent certified high efficiency mist eliminators prevent droplets from becoming airborne.
  • Optional cleanout port helps remove silt and sludge from cooling tower basin.
  • Optional sump suction prevents accumulation of sediment in the cold water basin.

Low maintenance and hassle free inspection

  • Inspect and service Vertex evaporative condensers with unparalleled convenience and safety while standing inside on the internal catwalk.
  • Large hinged door access to optional internal walkway : No basin draining required for unit internal inspection.
  • Easy inspection of the tube bundle from the outside or inside via the removable mist eliminator modules or the internal walkway .
  • Ground level access to the power package, pump(s) and motor junction boxes eliminates the need for platforms or ladders.
  • Reduce maintenance labor costs by 50% and eliminate potential hazards when working in tight spaces with a walkable, spacious interior and easy entry and exit.

More compact

  • Compact design for tight installation situations .
  • Air intake from one side enables installation next to solid walls .

Lower delivery, lifting and installation costs

  • Vertex units are factory assembled .
  • We supply larger models in 2 pieces to reduce the size and weight of the heaviest component for easy on-site assembly with smaller cranes.
  • Vertex offers high performance and minimal operating weight.  Safe on steel substructure , both under the unit and in the building itself for roof installations.


Know-How Article