We explain

Refrigerant R513A - Drop-In Alternative for R134a

R513A was developed as a replacement refrigerant for R134a.

R513A is a modern, non-flammable refrigerant designed to replace R134a in a wide range of applications. It provides a sustainable solution for both new systems and retrofits.


Advantages of R513A

R513A is particularly environmentally friendly, with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 631, which is 56% lower than R134a. Its capacity and energy

Mechanic/Welder (m/f/d) at GEA
We are looking for three mechanics/welders (m/f/d) at our Berlin location.
GEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH
Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny
Project management refrigeration technology
Commercial Employee Order Processing in Engineering (m/f/d)
To strengthen our team, we are looking for a commercial employee to handle engineering projects as soon as possible.
MTA Deutschland GmbH
Net­te­tal, Ger­ma­ny
Fitter refrigeration technology
MTA Refrigeration Technician (m/f/d) in Customer Service for Baden-Württemberg
To strengthen our team for the Stuttgart region, we are looking for you as a Refrigeration Technician (m/f/d) for our customer service.
MTA Deutschland GmbH
Net­te­tal, Ger­ma­ny

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